Im Ämmital

Ds Ämmital – woni ufgwachse bi – hett mi mit sine uzählige düstere Chräche und de erstuunlech vile Sekte und religiöse Gmeinschafte, wo sech hie aagsidlet hei und wo vor auem unger sich blybe, scho immer geignet dünkt, um dert e vom H.P. Lovecraft inspirierti Gschicht la z spiele. Dr Global Game Jam 2019 mit sim Thema «What Home Means to You» hett mi de drzue bracht, so öppis mau z verwürkleche.

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In the Emmental

This tiny interactive fiction project has been created as part of the Global Game Jam 2019 with its theme "What Home Means to You".

The gently rolling hills of the Emmental – where I grew up – are the home a quite a surprising number of evangelical sects and other obscure cults that mostly keep to themselves and rarely mingle with the people from the larger villages. It seemed to me like the right place to tell a story inspired by H.P. Lovecraft.

The story is told in the local dialect ("Bärndütsch" – Bernese German), which is a nod to Franz Hohler's "Es bärndütsches Gschichtli", in which the author and comedian tells a ghost story that contains mostly made-up, but bernese-german-sounding words.

Thanks to David Stark, there is also an English translation for all people that aren't able to fluently read Bärndütsch.


Story Concept & Writingxeophin
Illustrations, English TranslationZarkonnen
Additional PhotographyBellisk

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